Monday, April 1, 2024

Disney Princess Battle Royale


(credit to F_Air for this thumbnail)

“Sometimes all we have is faith and hope, and you just have to trust it”- S.D. Hendrickson 

Cinderella, the poor maiden turned fairytale princess through a glass slipper.

Ariel, The Little Mermaid who became part of our world on the surface.

Mulan, revolutionary soldier and savior of China.

Rapunzel, the ridiculously long-haired princess of Corona from Tangled.

Elsa, the Frozen queen of Arendale.

Disney. The miraculous and magical house of mouse, that has brought us countless wonders over the years. But more than anything, their most famous and influential works come in their Princess stories. Icons to millions, heroes to several more, and legends to little girls everywhere across the generations. So, for this April Fools Day, we bring you a Battle Royale between the biggest and most influential princesses Disney has to offer. 

Round 1: FIGHT!!!

Before We Start…

So, even though this is an April Fools blog, we still need to lay down some ground rules. First, let's discuss why these princesses are chosen. The 5 here were picked mainly due to being the most vs applicable and iconic. For example, Moana was excluded mainly due to Ariel just being her…but better as far as debating goes, and somebody like Merida was excluded due to being Mulan but without the same iconic nature. In this sense, these 5 will get pretty much all of their standard material. As such, they will get any movies, sequels, remakes, comics, games, books, etc as long as it isn't a crossover or anything that strays too far from their stories. This means no Descendants, Kingdom Hearts, Once Upon A Time, Disney’s Mirrorverse (mainly due to them being alternative versions of the original characters according to the introduction to the game) or the The Little Mermaid remake. OK we're kidding on that last one…kind of. Also, sadly, we weren't able to get all of the Frozen side media because there's like a hundred books. No, I'm not making that up. It's stupid, and we tried our best, but we couldn't read all of them. One more thing, MAJOR thank you to TheBiteRaptor for doing pretty much every major calculation in here.

Enough of that though, let's get into it!




“Be kind… and have courage and all will be well“ 

Once upon a time…there was a widowed gentleman who had a young daughter by the name of Cinderella. He cherished this little girl more than anything and realized she required a mother figure, so he remarried to Lady Tremaine who herself had two daughters around Cinderella’s age. Shortly after, her father had passed away, leaving Cinderella in the care of her new step family. Perhaps jealous of Cinderella's circumstances, they abused her throughout the years and forced her to do all their menial labor against her will. In spite of her horrible life, Cinderella kept on working with a smile and a song, until one day, when a bard arrived with a letter inviting every eligible maiden to a royal ball orchestrated by the king, for the prince to find a suitable partner. 

Lady Tremaine gave Cinderella an ultimatum that she could go alongside her stepsister to the ball: Finish all her designated chores and bring something suitable to wear. Her mice friends helped create a perfect dress suited for her to go to the Royal Ball, in spite of the two step sister's insistent self-sabotaging. Unfortunately Lady Tremaine had other plans, as she had her two daughters violently rip apart Cinderella's new dress before leaving her in shambles as they caught their ride to the Royal Ball. Feeling defeated, Cinderella cried her heart out after such a display. With what little hope that fostered in her heart, her Fairy Godmother revealed herself to comfort the fallen maiden in her darkest hours. Using her magic wand, the Fairy Godmother created a new dress for Cinderella to go to the ball with, along with all other kinds of trinkets pulling it to take her to said destination. Cinderella ended up in a lovely dance with Prince Charming himself; falling in love at first sight. However, her dreams were soon coming to an end as the clock was almost midnight, so she left the ball, going home before the magic spell eventually wore off.

The distraught Prince found her Slipper, and set forth a kingdom wide search for whoever would fit it, as that was who had taken his heart. Lady Tremaine heard of the news and decided to lock Cinderella in her room while the step sisters tried on the glass slipper, but this didn't last long, as her animal companions worked together and unlocked her door, allowing her to show her glass slipper and prove she was the one they were searching for. The story closed with Cinderella and Prince charming marrying one another living happily ever after…and yet that was not the end. 

After marrying Charming, Cinderella went on some new adventures; like learning the duties of royalty, or even patching things up with one of her stepsisters. However, neither could compare to when her old family got their hands on the Fairy Godmother's wand; rewriting history to erase her “happily ever after”. In spite of all that, Cinderella was able to fall in love with her Prince Charming all over again; ironically in a better way than before. Rather than return things to the way they were, the Fairy Godmother left it as the bright future that had come anew. Despite hardships unprecedented, Cinderella never gave up hope, and that perseverance was ultimately rewarded with her truest happily ever after. 


“Out of the sea, I wish I could be part of that world!”                                   

In a kingdom located under the sea, there lives a glorious king named Triton, with his several daughters named Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina, but there was one who stood out from the rest, and the name of this little mermaid was Ariel. Now there were numerous things that made Ariel unique but perhaps one of the most substantial ones was her vast fascination with the world of humans, despite contact being forbidden by her aforementioned father, Triton, who hates humans. 

This fascination was mostly showcased with little gadgets and gizmos stored in her underground cave and verified by her seagull friend Scuttle, she eventually got to meet an actual human up-close and personal. During a storm, Ariel rescues Prince Eric, who she admired from afar, from a literal sinking ship. She sings to him on the shore, but is forced to leave when others approach. Ariel falls in love, and dreams of becoming human (meanwhile, Eric vows to marry the girl who saved his life, not knowing that it was Ariel).

After an argument with her father regarding her love for the human world, Ariel goes to Ursula, the sea witch. In exchange for Ariel's voice, Ursula makes Ariel human. However, if she cannot get Eric to kiss her within three days, Ariel would become Ursula's prisoner. Unknown to Ariel, this is simply a part of Ursula's plot to take Triton's throne. Though she is unable to speak, and thus unable to identify herself, Eric takes Ariel in. Ariel and Eric begin to fall in love, but Ursula intervenes, by turning herself human and hypnotizing Eric with Ariel's voice. The hypnotized Eric plans to marry "Vanessa", actually Ursula in disguise. 

Ariel is able to stop the wedding, and regain her voice. After this, it finally dawns on Eric that she has been the one he has been looking for all along. But before Eric and Ariel can kiss, the third day ends and Ariel becomes Ursula's prisoner. Triton offers himself in Ariel's replacement, allowing Ursula to gain control over the sea. Ariel and Eric have a final showdown, during which Ariel is trapped and left helpless at the bottom of a whirlpool. Ursula aims her newly acquired trident at the princess and fires bolts of pure destruction at her. Ariel manages to avoid her each time and is saved by Eric. At the end of the film, Ariel is made human by Triton, who has realized how much Ariel really loves Eric. Thus, Ariel stays on land with Eric, and marries him, living happily ever after.



“When will my reflection show who I am inside?“

Hundreds of years ago in China, the Huns, led by Shan Yu, breached the Great Wall, and aimed to conquer the lands. To combat this great threat, the Emperor ordered one man from every household to fight in his armies. This would have included Fa Zhou, a somewhat elderly veteran, and likely would have resulted in his death. Key word being would, as instead of a man coming from his house, there was a woman; Fa Mulan.

Mulan had always wanted to bring honor to her family, but she never quite fit the expectations of a woman at the time. Things like marriage were far from the first thing that came to her mind, which would be her father's safety. Fearing for his life, Mulan masqueraded as a man named Ping, and took his place in the army so he would be safe. Joined by a mystical dragon named Mushu, she trained alongside the Captain Li Shang, where she finds training, discipline, and everything she once lacked. After a dangerous avalanche in the mountains and brush with Shan Yu, Mulan was revealed as a woman, to the surprise of everyone. Rather than execute her, Shang exiled her from the army, and soon enough, Shan Yu attacked the royal palace with the goal of slaying the Emperor. 

Rather than lie down and accept defeat, Mulan sped there to help, and, with some assistance from Shang and her army friends, she defeated Shan Yu. Having saved virtually the entire country, she was met with similar gratitude, praise and thanks from the Emperor, and an undying respect from her father. Even after that, Mulan would eventually find love in Li Shang, and help her friends in the army do so as well. All of this should simply go to show that not every hero is a knight in shining armor, nor do they need one, when you are Fa Mulan that is.


“And at last I see the light… and it's like the sky is new!“

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens onto earth, blooming a mystical flower. As time went on, the kingdom of Corona was formed, ruled by a king and Queen. However things went sour as when the Queen fell ill while under pregnancy. The king ordered his soldiers to find a cure for her illness roaming the lands as the group stumbled upon the flower and used its affinity for healing to save the Queen’s life. Unfortunately there was a person who knew about the flower's gift and attempted to take it for herself, an old lady that survived for hundreds of years through making herself younger.

After realizing the sundrop's power became one with the Royal daughter, the old lady aka Mother Gothel stole the girl from her home and hid her in a tower hidden from the kingdom. From that day, Gothel groomed the young girl Rapunzel for years into believing she's her parent and that the outside world is too dangerous for her. In doing so, Gothel made her completely reliant on her while siphoning the flower's power as a result.

Not long after, a renowned stowaway thief by the name of Flynn Rider, was on the run for stealing a crown from the kingdom. For his own safety, he hid in a tower hidden in the forest to get away only to be knocked out by Rapunzel who mistook him as a intruder going to steal her hair like her Mother Gothel warned her about. 

After Rapunzel hid his bag, the two had a mutual agreement where Flynn would take her to see the lanterns in the kingdom in exchange, she'll give him back his bag with valuables. They ran as fast as could from the royal guards, danced in a festival gathering, explored a library and finally road a boat to see the lanterns.The two began to see the other in a more romantic light as the night sky shined as bright as ever. 

But good things don't always last, Mother Gothel upon seeing her daughter being torn away from her began devising a plan that led to Flynn Rider being sentenced to be hanged for his crimes. Raps was brought back to the tower where she will remain according to Gothel; after finding the crown in Eugene's bag, Rapunzel was able to connect the dots that she is the lost daughter of Royalty. But this triumph came to a halt as Gothel chains Rapunzel down for defying her. Thanks to the help of his rival turned friendly ally, Maximus, he managed to escape his execution and arrive at the tower to save Rapunzel from Gothel's clutches. But Gothel foresaw this as stab him in the abdomen with a dagger leaving him to bleed to death. In spite of the odds, Rapunzel is willing to throw her new life (staying with Gothel) if it means saving her lover's life attempting to heal his injuries so he can live. Eugene in his final moments, cuts her hair with a glass shard releasing her from the old woman's control as she ages to specks of dust. Rapunzel cries at her loss, with her tears containing the sundrop in them, it was able to miraculously bring him back to life. After their reunion, Rapunzel meets her biological mother and father again as she's now finally where she belongs.

Tangled the series continues with Rapunzel and her lady in waiting, Cassandra finding a new substance known as the black rocks awakening in Corona and once she comes in contact with it, it regrows her hair back to her iconic long golden locks. Her boyfriend Eugene tags along with them as they confront each of the Warlock Zhan Tiri's devoted followers and stop them from getting access to the sun and moon stone's power to bring their master back to the mortal realm to bring vengeance on Demanitus's precious Corona. With tons of adventures and set quests galore and the three friends overcome adversity while making journeys of their own. Rapunzel combines the stones, ending zhan tiri’s wrath as she cuts her hair and sends them into the stars. The story ends happily ever after with Rapunzel and Eugene getting married. Although Rapunzel was tangled in a lot of messy altercations, her heart glowed the brightest in all the darkness.


“Let it go!.. and I'll rise like the break of dawn“

In the kingdom of Arendelle, there lived a king and queen, who were blessed with two wonderful daughters; Anna and Elsa. While they may seem ordinary, Elsa was far from it, as she was born with the magical ability to create and control the cold. This was the best gift a sister like Anna could possibly ask for, as she loved playing day in and day out with her superpowered big sister. One day, as they snuck out into their castle to play, Elsa accidentally hit Anna with a stray blast, which froze part of her head. While Anna was cured of this by some magical trolls, they had to erase her memories of Elsa’s powers, and thus, Elsa hid them from the world due to her fear of hurting Anna again. 

As the pair grew older, they grew more distant, and Elsa grew only colder to the rest of the world, until her parents were caught in a wreck at sea. This pushed her already hurting psyche to new depths, and only served to stress her out more as she was to become the Queen of Arendalle. During her coronation ball, Elsa began to talk with Anna again, but this brief peace was shattered as her younger sister attempted to marry foreigner Prince Hans, believing it to be true love. Objecting to this, Elsa got incredibly emotional, to the point where her powers went out of control, and launched an ice blast in the ballroom. Now revealed to be something far different than human, Elsa fled to the mountains of Arendelle, casting an unintentional eternal winter over her kingdom. With nothing left to lose, Elsa finally let it all go, embracing her emotions and accepting her powers to form a new castle amidst the pain. 

Despite this, she could not run from her royal duties forever, as Anna showed up on her doorstep, coming to bring her sister home and save Arendelle from the winter. Elsa, in her fear of hurting others, or Anna again, tried to push her away once more, accidentally resulting in freezing Anna’s heart. Anna was forced to flee to get help with her new friend Kristoff, and Elsa was hunted by soldiers with Hans, eventually captured and brought back in chains. Even at this point, Elsa was able to escape, and she ran into the cold like a lost child, while Hans found her, ready to strike her down and unveil his plan to take over Arendelle. Rather than let her sister die, Anna stood in Hans' way, freezing from Elsa’s magic, saving her sister's life, and apparently dying as a result. As Elsa realized what had happened, she could only embrace her frozen sister, and cry in despair at this hell of her own making. But, when all seemed lost, Anna began to thaw, as an act of true love could melt the spell, and Elsa loved Anna so much that it was enough to save her life. Having conquered her powers, erased her fears, and saved her sister, Elsa finally became the gracious queen to Arendelle, never again hiding her emotions and fears, only aiming to let them go, so she may rise like the break of dawn. 

Experience & Skill


Cinderella may seem like an average princess, but she is far beyond that. Due to her unnaturally needy and abusive childhood, she has done chores for her family day in and day out all of the time. This requires coordination, drive, and cooperation with her animal friends, who themselves have worked with her to get her out of a jam. In the Magical Dreams game, she's proven to be rather athletic, getting her chores done quickly whilst running and jumping to do so. In this, she completes multiple tasks just to progress through the areas, all while juggling her chores. This game also has her run on foot from the horses and guards chasing her for multiple minutes, avoiding capture until she gets home. In 3, when she had to fight against the Wands magic, she showcased a large amount of resilience, and got out of Tremaine's attempted carriage trap.


Despite not being particularly known for her combative skill, Ariel’s actually a fairly skilled and experienced combatant. Due to her time as the black rider, she’s gotten fairly used to the worlds of underwater jousting and competition. Additionally she’s fought on par with war veterans such as Apollo and ancient evils who were sealed away long ago such as the Evil Manta. 


Mulan is most famous for her skills as a war veteran, and her intellectual prowess as well. She's taken on veritable armies through strategy, fought the physically superior Shan Yu, and was instrumental in saving her country. In the live action movie however, Mulan seems to be relatively skilled in martial arts even at a very young age and shows great combat prowess among the top 2 warriors in the army. Added to that is her “Chi'' which is the most powerful among the army. More on that later.


Don't let her appearance fool you, Rapunzel is a rather formidable combat. She was able to play to her strengths using her affinity for dancing to evade multiple swinging wooden mallets being sent her way and even used it to gracefully avoid heavy blows while having multiple targets ram into the other.Oftentimes, Rapunzel will utilize her hair to control the battlefield in some way whether by restraining them or grappling tools from the environment to get the leg up on her opponent like how she wrapped her hair strains around Cass’s torso and leg messing up her balance. She often followed her combat specialist and loyal friend, Cassandra's number 1 rule of combat: turn your enemy's strength into a weakness.


Despite her distaste for fighting, Elsa is quite the force to be reckoned with. Her fight with Hans and his soldiers is a perfect case of that with her cornering their pathway with ice, using icicles to pin one of them to the wall, adding wind pressure onto the ice block in front of them to push them into the abyss out of her castle. In Frozen 2, her powers are put to good use from creating platforms on water for her to walk on and/or freezing the floor to throw outsiders off balance. In her encounter with the elementals of the Enchanted Forest, she released a blast wave of ice against the wind spirit to disperse a tornado around her.



Fairy Godmother's magic wand

“Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo.” You have most assuredly heard these magic words before from one of Disney’s first songs. These come from Cinderella's magical Fairy Godmother, who will essentially be used here, or rather, her Wand will. Essentially, the Fairy Godmother is akin to the physical embodiment of hope for Cinderella, and her remainder of it in dire moments. Upon her most tragic moment where she thought she had given up all hope, the Fairy Godmother appeared to fix all of her troubles and put her magic to use. Thus, in a similar scenario where she is in danger, the Fairy Godmother should logically come to help. We can also support this via her coming to help Jack the mouse when he was pissed about his size, right after he wished for something, just like Cinderella.

Now then, the Wand is something Cinderella and others have used before without issue, so we'll give it to her for sake of debate. The Wand is basically a magic pen to rewrite the rules of reality for anything you wish, and several people have used it to do whatever they want. This includes Cinderella, who herself has used it before in the movie. All you really need are the magic words, but there are numerous instances where it's been used without saying so; meaning all it really needs is a thought to do so.

In more important matters, any user can cancel spells with a wave of their hands, and set limits to spells, like the infamous Midnight time limit. In that case, everything would return to what it once was, except the slippers, which Cinderella believed was intended. Certain transmutation spells have also faded over time and other issues, with little backing as to prove what exactly stopped them, but the time based example would be at least a few hours.

Magical Dreams Items

In this game, Cinderella, the Mice, and the Fairy Godmother get their own tools for their sections, and can be used as follows.

  • Tiara - These are basically extra lives/tries for Cinderella, that basically revive her if she gets knocked out or faints from physical damage. Getting 20 Roses gives her another Tiara, and thus, you could translate this to an essential healing factor, albeit unlikely to do anything for dying. 

  • Roses - Collect 20 to get an extra Tiara.

  • Ribbon - Collecting these restores her health/vitality after getting hurt or run at by animal friends

  • Cheese - For the Mice, it restores their health 

  • Hat - This gives them extra tries, similar to Cinderella's Tiara's

  • Button - Collecting these lets Jack and Gus throw them at enemies or obstacles, to kill spiders for one, or to harm Lucifer

  • Magic Hat - This gives the Fairy Godmother extra tries to complete a Spell should she fail it, though what this means for battle encounters is peculiar.



The Trident has three prongs, and appears to be made out of gold. It is shown to have vast magical abilities, and thus has been desired by both Ursula and Morgana. It serves as the personal weapon of King Triton, and only Triton or one of his descendants can remove it from its resting place. While it is mainly used by Triton as mentioned previously, Ariel has used it on a fair share of occasions and she can even mentally call it to her person so It feels reasonable to include it as part of her arsenal.

As mentioned previously, the Trident has a vast amount of magical abilities, here are the most notable ones

  • Temperature Manipulation: It has been used to melt/thaw objects, as well as freeze entire seas.

  • Water Manipulation: It grants the user complete control over the oceans.

  • Weather Manipulation: It can generate, create and project different aspects of the weather; such as different types of storms.

  • Dematerialisation: It was used to completely remove a castle wall in the second movie (1:07:05)

  • Size Manipulation: It can increase or decrease the size of the user or others.

  • Shapeshifting/Genetic Manipulation: Can transform its user or other merpeople into humans and vice versa.

  • Body Puppetry: Ursula’s evil sister; Morgana used the trident to force Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, Sebastian, etc to bow. It can also completely immobilize people and aquatic creatures.

  • Sealing: It was used to seal Morgana in a giant block of ice.

  • Geokinesis: It has been used to seal giant underwater trenches.

  • Projections: It has been used to project images before, simple enough.

  • Healing: It was used by Triton to heal Flounder of his shock after he was accidentally hit by a blast.

  • Levitation: It has been used to levitate large objects or even beings such as the seaclops.

  • Energy Bolts: The trident can create powerful bright gold, pink, green, or blue energy bolts that can disintegrate or destroy most objects, these bolts have also been shown to cause paralysis as mentioned above.


One of Ariel’s most prized human artifacts, and while It’s just a regular fork, It’s still a pronged object that could be useful for stabbing, slashing, and thrusting.


While this mis-labeled corkscrew doesn’t seem like much at first, Ariel has used this surprisingly sharp tool to cut through glass.

Eric’s Sword

While It wasn’t in a directly combative situation, Ariel has used her husband’s sword before.

Battle Ax

Nothing special here, It’s just an ax. 

Lance and Armor

Ariel received this set of defensive and offensive tools during her brief stint as the black rider where showed a fair amount of skill with the lance.

Magic Vials

These magic-filled vials were used to destroy and stop Ariel’s human treasures from going berserk on Atlantica when Ursula placed a magical enchantment on them, and they successfully removed the magical effects and destroyed the treasures.

Petrifying Perfume

It’s a perfume bottle that petrifies anyone unfortunate enough to get sprayed by it.



A fan that Fa Mulan uses in the finale battle to misdirect shanyu's weapon into her hands to get the drop on him.

Jian Sword

As Fa Mulan rushed into the army to take her father's place, she took his sword resembling a Jian blade to aid her in the midst of war.

Sword of the Blazing Sun

To her surprise, it was revealed her blade she found in the mountain of knives was the legendary sword of the Blazing Sun. This mystical blade has a number of untapped abilities  such as the ability to emit a powerful white pearlescent light capable of harming non corporeal entities such as ghosts. Said light can be used in the heat of battle to blind someone, giving her a chance to get the drop on them. Mulan recited the folktale her father told her, that the power of the sword originated from the Emperor giving a demigod warrior veteran long ago, a mystical blade that glowed with the light of the sun to ward off otherworldly threats like demons, ghosts and the list goes on.

Sword of Shan Yu

After sending Shan Yu to his demise, Mulan was given his weapon as a symbol for what she's achieved.The weapon is commonly known as a serrated jagged jian aka a double edged straight sword, most effective for thrusting/stabbing the opposition.

Bow and Arrow

During Mulan's training sessions, she is seen carrying a bow and arrow to aim at the target circle. The bow she carries resembles the longbow widely known for being one of the more lethal weapons due to its incredible range game covering 450 to 1,000 feet at max.

Huolongchushui cannon 

The Huolongchushui cannon is a five foot long multistage rocket carved to resemble a dragon's head commonly used in naval battles. Mulan in the movie used it to cause a massive explosion on the snowy mountain leading to an avalanche to wipe out the huns' soldiers.


As Fa Mulan went to war, she dawned on the battle armor of her father. The type of armor she wears is that of the leather lamellar armor (rectangular plates made of T-3 aluminum steel and bronze laced materials).



Who would've thought that your greatest weapon was on top of your head the whole time. Rapunzel has a long lock of golden hair with an impressive length being 70 feet long. In battle, Raps often uses her hair strands to grapple objects to her, slip up her foe, disarm weapons, restrain them, and or to swing across other platforms. Her hair, similar to the black rocks, is nigh invulnerable, being unable to be cut through by any traditional weapon metal. In addition, Rap's hair has a defensive mechanism curling her into a ball of hair to protect her from harm. Even while in its defensive state, it can also generate a massive coverage of light that could cover the horizon for offensive measures. [Check sundrop & moondrop section for a more expansive rundown on its abilities].


Frying Pan

Aside from her hair, a trusty frying pan is her primary weapon of choice. Despite being just a kitchen tool, it's rather efficient in combat with it being used as a throwing weapon on occasions as well as parry swords mid-fight.

 Varian's alchemy bombs

These pink portable balls are made by the alchemist himself Varian through the use of  chemical compounds. When the ball is thrown, it explodes on contact leaving behind a sticky substance that will trap whoever is in its way.

Time-Altering Lantern

Time huh? Thanks for the tip.Jokes aside, Rapunzel was given an enchanted lantern that once lit will reset the time of the entire day allowing her to redo mistakes. However once she uses it, Rapunzel loses it by the next morning and has to get a new one from the old woman who originally gave it to her. Therefore making this essentially a one-time use item in the realm of a DEATH BATTLE.

Top of Time

A spinning top Rapunzel discovered called the “Top of Time” within Matthew's household. This spinning top can accelerate and/or decelerate the age of the person in its radius by turning the switch on top of it. Matthews does indeed clarify that it decreases the age of the person based on how old they are (Cassandra & Lance were in their early 20s and became little kids while on the flipside, Shorty who was an elderly person got turned into a baby), having their minds decrease significantly to fit their child-like mental state. With the drawback of the tool being that if the target isn't changed back within an hour, they'll stay young forever.





Magic Wand Powers

Through having the Magic Wand, Cinderella can use its many abilities as her own, and they are as follows. What's more, given the Wand can do pretty much anything the user wishes, Cinderella can realistically access more applications should she think of them.

Energy/Light Manipulation

In the primary method of the Wands abilities, it is shot off by sparkles of light or energy, and can launch little bouncing balls like at Lucifer. In the Cinderella Magical Dreams video game manual, shooting it is referred to as “zapping spells”, and it bounced off the side of an ax and the metal part of a barrel in the 3rd movie, along with Charming's sword. It can have enough force to pop bubbles (wow so impressive) and go into the many other spells of the Wand, or for other variations of energy like making fireworks.


Through mere sparkles, a user can go wherever they wish, as shown with the original Fairy Godmother. In her case as well, she can alter placements in it as well; shown when her appearance with Cinderella gave her a place to cry on. She went to and from Cinderella's location without saying anything, and later to Jack when he wished for something twice in 2, or teleporting multiple others in 3. It's also been used to teleport people against their wishes for BFR/Battlefield Removal for all you vs fans out there, like Tremaine doing so to Cinderella/Lucifer (0:00 - 0:50), or it being used against her and Drisella like so (3:25 - 3:38). 

Object Summoning/Creation

Whenever you want something to just fly to your position, next time, just pull out a magic wand. The Fairy Godmother has not only pulled it out of thin air, but she has also brought about glass slippers for Cinderella in both the original (3:55 - 4:12) and remake (3:06 - 3:25) of the story. Aside from that, she summoned/created multiple objects for a celebration (2:24 - 3:03), and the Wand was used to bring about/get rid of jewelry in the 3rd movie. 


Through its greatest and most known applications, the Wand can turn anything into everything, limited only by imagination. We can support this through the Fairy Godmother's muttering when making Cinderella's dress, which pretty much states she wanted it this way through descriptions or to “match with her eyes.” (3:40 - 4:00).

Examples include…

Life Bestowal

In the original and 3rd movie, the Wand was used to bring a pumpkin to life and be capable of sentient movement. It was used similarly to writing utensils multiple times in the second movie as well, and these usually follow the wishes of their creator, but can get too chaotic if used for too long.

Size Manipulation

If you are a firm believer in “bigger is better” (which Jack outright said funnily enough) then this Wand is perfect for you. It has enlarged that pumpkin into the carriage, turned mice into much bigger horses, and a large horse to a smaller man. Enlarging a small piece of fabric into a book frame, growing a mouse into a human (0:05 - 0:11) and vice versa, and Tremaine altering Anastasia's foot so she would fit the slipper (0:35 - 0:42) are all other issues of this. It has also been used to shrink the cat Lucifer smaller than the mice and later grow him back to normal (1:20 - 1:56) or on the pumpkin in the remake to make it far larger (0:26 - 1:12).


Whilst changing a horse/dog to men, the Wand lifted them through the air. It's done so with a small piece of fabric plus pages to go into a book, and to remove a cork from a bottle without saying the words. Her magic was able to be captured in sparkles and used for the same purposes, like bringing multiple objects about like so. It was also used to stop a book's momentum in 2, and made petals swarm around people in 3 (3:07 - 3:30).


The Wand was accidentally used in 3 to petrify the Fairy Godmother into a stone statue for nearly the entirety of the movie (1:25 - 1:50), and later used to reverse that by Cinderella (1:10-1:23) without a problem.

Time Manipulation

As a plot point for the third film, Lady Tremaine stole the Wand, and used it to turn back the hands of time to destroy Cinderella's happily ever after. She effectively reversed time for a short while, time traveling with her daughters in a cloud of mists until she saw the right moment to step back into time (2:50 - 3:58). This spit them out near the end of the first movie, and effectively created a new timeline as a result. Speaking of timelines, the Fairy Godmother offered to return Cinderella/Prince Charming to the old one at the end (1:55 - 2:10), but chose not to. As another factor, Lady Tremaine doing this “called upon all the forces of the universe” and as we all know, reality includes time.

Mind/Memory Control

Once she had control of the Wands powers, Lady Tremaine forced the Prince to forget he danced with Cinderella, altering his memory to think he danced with Anastasia, and having him marry her that night. In the remake, the Fairy Godmother cast a spell that would make Tremaine/the stepsisters “not recognize you (her)” (3:27 - 3:35). However, this spell is breakable, in both cases proven through enough evidence of the contrary. Charming for one, after being shown the glass slipper and conversation with Cinderella, remembered again, and Tremaine in the remake did so through similar conversations and suspicion. 

Genetic Manipulation/Shape-Shifting

The Wand was used on Drisella's hair to change it to and back from a specific style in 3, scorching it as a result, and used by Tremaine to alter Anastasia's appearance to look like Cinderella for a seemingly infinite transformation (0:44 - 1:33). Anastasia later used it on herself to reverse this as well (0:42 - 0:51), and given we know the Wand can transmute, this isn't that big of a stretch. On the flipside, Anastasia being transformed into Cinderella could also be assumed to be shape-shifting, and to reverse it as well.


In Cinderella’s Castle Designers, a fairy named Tatiana who, while practicing some magic, accidentally sealed Cinderella in a fairy tale book with a misused spell. This spell was so powerful that it required the use of 5 magical stones just to get her out, and no other magic would have worked.


  • Petrification - Given the Wands magic was able to reverse Petrification, someone consciously using it could likely ward off such a thing


Mermaid Physiology

As a mermaid, Ariel has the abilities to breathe both in and out of water, communicate with and understand all forms of life, and withstand the pressures found deep underwater.


As the daughter of the merman king of the sea, one can reasonably assume that Ariel would have some level of control over water and you’d be correct as she can create a myriad of differently sized waves, fire bubbles out of her hands to either attack or trap enemies, and even use It to travel across the ground while in her mermaid form.

Magical Voice

Ariel’s voice is one of her most iconic and recognisable features and It’s fairly versatile when used in a combat scenario as It can allow her to create music note projectiles, lull enranged enemies to sleep, repel negative magic, and summon incredibly strong currents capable of banishing enemies from her kingdom.

Ariel’s voice was also capable of healing an unconscious Prince Eric so It could potentially be used as a self-healing tool and while Ariel herself hasn’t done this; Ursula,while adopting the identity of Vanessa, used Ariel's voice to brainwash Eric to be her puppet so It stands to reason that the titular little mermaid herself could also use it for such a purpose.

Hammer Space

Ariel’s pulled a good few objects such as maps and thingamabobs out of nowhere, and in the case of forced voice removal, she can pull out a wile e coyote-esq sign.

Sea Witch Powers

Ariel temporarily received the powers of a sea witch after entering a magical cave, while she does end up reversing the events of the episode with time travel, she still has the option to regain those powers at a moments notice, now what are those powers? 

Well the titular little mermaid gains….

  • Size Manipulation: Ariel initially used her powers to enlarge Sebastian’s ego by well enlarging the crab himself to the point where he could whip around whales and dwarf large ships.

  • Age Manipulation: She accidentally turned Sebastian into his old self

  • Transmutation:  She turned a (few) fisherman into a fish, funniest shit I’ve ever seen.

  • Time Manipulation: She rewinded time at the end of the episode, placing herself in the moment right before she received her powers.

  • Fire Manipulation: Other sea-witches such as Ursula and Morgana have showcased the ability to make fireballs on several occasions.

  • Storm Generation: Sea-witches across the series have commonly displayed the ability to generate large thunder-storms at the tip of a hat.

  • Energy Absorption: Ursula has been shown to absorb energy-based attacks and use them to amp herself before.

It is important to emphasize she does not have these powers anymore, and had them for about a day before pulling a Sonic ‘06 and going back in time to ensure she never used them in the first place.


  • Extreme Temperatures: Didn’t seem to mind the cold waters within the Arctic Ocean and can swim through molten lava

  • Empathic Manipulation: Ariel was one of the only citizens of Atlantica who remained unaffected by the Manta bringing out all of their negative emotions



In the 2020 movie, Chi is some sort of powerful inner energy that Mulan possesses even as a child. It uh *Checks notes* makes her stronger, faster and way more talented than the average human. 

Other abilities include:

  • Weapon Mastery: Those with high levels of Chi are gifted in the usage of weapons. From staffs, to spears, to swords, Mulan’s talent in this field is highly sufficient.

  • Acrobatics: Demonstrated since she was a child, Mulan can be very, VERY acrobatic being able jump across rooftops fairly easily.

  • Endurance and Stamina: Mulan has much more stamina and endurance than a large majority of her compatriots, as shown as when she climbs the mountains.

Now, does Mulan 2020 elaborate on why any of this works the way it does? No. Of course it doesn’t. Don’t watch that stupid movie, please.



The Sundrop

The Sundrop is one of the two cosmic forces that landed on earth originating from the heavens and in Rapunzel's case, this power was granted to her from birth after the queen consumed the sundrop flower during her own pregnancy. The power of sunstone correlates with light and therefore has the power to restore a person to full condition. 

In order to activate this power, she recites the special chant: “flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, let your power shine,make the clock reverse and bring back what once was mine,heal what has been hurt change the fate’s design save what has been lost bring back what once was mine”. Her hair glows a golden color when doing this incantation. Mother Gothel originally used the sundrop's healing power to sustain her younger appearance for hundreds of years. On top of that, when Pascal was bit by a poisonous snake it fixed him as well as healed Eugene's cut hand and stab wound in his torso. By the end of the Tangled the series show, its greatest showing was resurrecting the townsfolk and Cass after they succumbed to the Hurt incantation by Zhan Tiri prior to this.


Unbeknownst to Rapunzel, there was another incantation in relation to the sundrop deceived by Varian on an ancient scroll. She recites the chant: ”power of the sun, gift me with your light,shine into the dark, restore our fading sight, rise into the dawn, blazing star so bright, burn away the strife, let my hope ignite”. In this state, mirroring the hurt incantation, her eyes and hair turn golden as she unleashes an omnidirectional burst of light from her body that will vaporize whatever in its vicinity and/or send targets flying from its sheer power alone. By the Tangled series's climax, Rapunzel at her maximum potential is seen being capable of firing blasts of light from her hair to keep foes at a distance and can emit a light aura coated around her body as an offensive barrier to retaliate against frontal assaults.

The Moondrop

After coming in contact with the black rocks, she absorbed a part of the moondrop's power. The Moondrop is the moon's darkness to the sundrop's light from the stars holding the power to inflict harm unto others as opposed to healing them. Originally Rapunzel can summon the black rocks, a dark underworld metal, that is nigh impenetrable to any traditional metal and generates a massive blue shockwave along with a massive explosion to overpower her opposition. Unfortunately she eventually lost this power after the moondrop found the source of the sundrop, Rapunzel herself. 

On the other hand, she discovered the hurt incantation reciting the chant to access its power: “wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains and set the spirit free”. Rapunzel's eyes and hair changed to the color black forming a dark aura that drains the life force of anyone or anything in the vicinity. She can also use this to decay those wrapped around her hair as shown with her corroding the Amber crystal that encased Varian's father and deconstruct the plant vines surrounding Hector. When in this state, making contact with her body results in the person or object being scorched with blue flames. 




Ever since she was a child, Elsa was blessed with the magical ability to have complete control over ice. In essence, this is a form of magic that makes her cold as ice, and able to generate/control all manners of it. This power comes from her emotions, so the stronger and more sporadic they get, the worse her control and effect gets. As time went on, she learned when to let it go, and how to control her powers, leading to her many uses of them. She can spread her icy touch to anything through blasts or physical contact (1:57 - 2:23), and can even form on objects just from being near her at her most vulnerable. Elsa can use her powers through water in the area, or just generate them out of thin air to do pretty much anything she wants, like…


Elsa’s precise control over the ice and cold allows her to move it around as much as she pleases, she can even use it to drag around objects ranging from lights to large Ice pillars with ease.

Clothing creation


In the first movie, Elsa was able to manifest an ice themed dress for herself during her “Let It Go” song (3:07 - 3:21). This is further showcased again in the Frozen Fever short where she made a customized dress for her sister Anna. 

Non-Physical Interaction

Elsa has been able to physically interact with elemental beings such as The Nokk water Spirit as though they were physical.


She can see the memory of an environment and conjure up ice sculptures which display what happened then, and is able to send these across countries as shown in the climax of Frozen 2 where Elsa sends one to Anna when she was stuck in Athtohallan.

Instinctive Action and Emotional Empowerment

Elsa's powers, while able to manifest consciously, can be powered by instinct and emotion alone, spreading out, forming icicles, and blocking attacks without her even being aware. She did not even realize she caused a storm across Arendelle until Anna confronted her about it and her stress caused her powers to activate subconsciously. Through harnessing her love for her sister, she was able to take more conscious control over her power and use it to thaw her ice.


  • Cold Temperatures: Elsa has been shown to be unaffected by the snowy blizzard that covered all of Arendel. The cold never bothered her anyway.



The Mice 

As any Disney Princess should have, Cinderella has a few tiny animal friends to help her when she is in trouble, and despite them being mice, they are more useful than you would think. Not only can they converse with people like Cinderella, or others like the Prince, but they are just as smart as us humans. Their two main members, Jacques and Gus, have themselves had to deal with the cat Lucifer on several occasions, and navigated through a clock level in a video game (36:30 - 38:50). Speaking of, that gives them shoulder bashes that can move objects larger than them or bust through part of walls, along with buttons they can throw at others like Lucifer. What's more, the two can even use the Fairy Godmother's wand, and have done so while being chased by others.



Sebastian is a very multi-faceted crab; not only serving as king triton’s royal adviser/chief of staff but also as the royal court composer and the caretaker of the aforementioned king’s daughters which is where he became familiar with Ariel. Ariel and Sebastian did not get off to a good start as Sebastian was the royal Chief of Staff and seemingly supporting the ban of music after the death of Ariel's mother, Queen Athena. Ariel was also annoyed with Sebastian's nagging and tendency to follow the rules.

 However, after discovering Sebastian to be performing in a secret underground club, Ariel, though surprised at first, gained a newfound respect for him and was allowed by Sebastian to join the club, even though he was reluctant as she was the daughter of the sea king. When Sebastian was thrown in jail after being exposed, Ariel decided to free Sebastian and run away with him. Though Sebastian was unwilling at first, he changed his mind so he could help Ariel find her mother's music box and convince her father to bring music back to the kingdom.  After the events of The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, Sebastian vowed to always lend a helping claw in any situation that Ariel finds herself in, whether that be in life or death fights against giant sea witches and electric eels or a simple boat ride.


There are two conflicting portrayals of how Flounder and Ariel first met. In "The Evil Manta", Ariel encountered Flounder during a swim, but her size made him believe she was a big fish trying to eat him, and thus swam off. After catching up to Flounder as he cowered in fear, Ariel explained that she was a friendly mermaid. Ariel offers to return Flounder home, to which he happily accepts. The two formally introduce themselves to each other and talk about their mutual interests while swimming back, cementing their friendship.

In Ariel's Beginning, however, Ariel overheard Flounder making music (which at the time, was forbidden by order of King Triton). When Ariel tries to join in on the fun, he and Ariel are confronted by guardsfish. Flounder leads Ariel to an escape while teaching her various fishing techniques. They are eventually confronted by Sebastian, who orders for Flounder's arrest for breaking the law. Ariel successfully vouches for Flounder's freedom, allowing him to go free.

Since their initial meeting, Flounder and Ariel developed a strong friendship. The two are nearly inseparable, to the point where Flounder is a welcomed guest of King Triton's palace and regularly participates in activities of the royal family. Being as how they spend nearly every moment together, Flounder also acts as Ariel's confidant.  Now while Flounder doesn’t have a lot of useful abilities, It’s implied that he kept some of the ferocious tendencies and sharp fangs that were gained when he was bitten by a Howling Hairfish (fish werewolf). 


Scuttle’s a silly little seagull who’s had numerous (accidental and nearly fatal) encounters with humans throughout his life, which leads him to believe himself to be an expert on human culture, specifically human objects, which has allowed him to form a close bond with Ariel, even being invited to her baby shower.

Scuttle is possibly the most eccentric of Ariel's circle of friends. Like Ariel, he has a love for human objects and collects a number of them. Even though he knows very little about the true nature of humanity, Scuttle has shown to have some knowledge of humans that most of the sea creatures don't. 

Speaking of things exclusive to Scuttle, he’s the only one of Ariel's friends capable of flight and as such is very useful in times of crisis. He is also implied to have the ability to communicate with humans.



Mushu used to be a guardian spirit of the Fa family, but he had been demoted to the humiliating position of an incense burner and gong-ringer for the deceased Fa ancestors ever since he failed to protect a family member, a soldier named Fa Deng, resulting in the soldier's demise by decapitation.

Mushu is based on a traditional Eastern dragon, which is radically different from Western dragons. Unlike their Western counterparts, Eastern dragons could control many elements and do not require wings to fly and were portrayed as benevolent creatures, oftentimes respected as gods. Mushu's element, however (presumably to reassure the viewers that he is a dragon) is fire. However, even the Great Ancestor himself does not consider Mushu to be a "real" dragon - he is very small, about the size of a lizard, and his fire-breathing ability is less than impressive, making him more useful as an emergency fire-lighter rather than as a weapon. According to a statement by Mushu, this is not his real size and claims to be larger than a horse at the very least.


(Art by avitha101)

ShiShi is the great lion guardian spirit with him being described as a stone lion who's roughly Khan's height and as wide as a tent, having orange eyes along with an enormous Jade pendant around his neck with dagger sharp claws. He acted as the guardian figure of the Li family guiding each warrior for generations. 

Originally sent by Shang's father's spirit, Shishi aided Fa Mulan in saving Li Shang's life when he had become mortally wounded by Shanyu. With just a roar, Shishi can open up cracks in the earth that allow him and other passengers to the Underworld known as Diyu. The lion can also dematerialize and materialize himself to appear by Fa Mulan's side. His senses are also sharpened to the point where he can sense demons from thousands paces away.

By the end of her journey, Fa Mulan wondered if she'd ever to see Shishi only for him to reply that she might if she joined the Li Family. Now considering that Mulan, by the sequel of the first movie, married Li Shang then she'd most likely be a part of the Li Clan and have access to him.



Pascal is the cheeky green chameleon friend to Rapunzel, stumbling upon the tower she was trapped in during a violent storm that separated him from his family. Being followed by a poisonous snake, Pascal ran into said tower for shelter with the young Rapunzel at the time saving him with a whack of her frying pan. Unfortunately Pascal was bitten before Rapunzel attacked the snake, succumbing to the poison and crooked. Luckily for him, his new friend wasn't such an ordinary girl as she sang the healing incantation to bring him back to life while offering for him to keep her company in the tower.

Don't let his small size fool you, Pascal is pretty resourceful when he needs to be in dire situations. For starters, due to being a chameleon he can camouflage himself to hide himself within the environment (he's even shown to make himself mirror the color scheme of the black rocks to hide from Cass). His long tongue is greatest tool, scaling other surfaces, being able to disorient opponents long enough to give rap an upper hand as well as grab and/or snatch items from them in the process.



Olaf is a silly little snowman voiced by Josh Gad. He was made when Elsa and Anna were young and when Elsa began flourishing her ice powers she brought Olaf to life. While Olas doesn't seem to have many skills he's great at emotional support and has a few abilities including throwing his head as a projectile that bounces around, rolling down hills while becoming bloated and hovering. This is due to his snowman physiology which allows him to move his body parts in any way he sees fit and makes him pretty much unkillable by regular means. It also gives him infinite stamina and seemingly the ability to not feel pain.

Marshmallow and the Snowgies

Marshmallow is an enormous icy snowman born from Elsa's powers. He serves as a brute bodyguard charged with keeping intruders away from her ice palace. The menacing white beast doesn't say much, but he packs a powerful punch.

Just as Olaf represents Elsa's childlike persona, Marshmallow appears to represent Elsa's powerful desire to be left alone. Because of this, he is extremely aggressive and territorial to intruders or others who try to enter the castle except for Elsa, whom he was made to protect. He is incredibly devoted to her in this role and continued this even when he was injured. However, at the end of the film, when returning to the ice palace, he is shown smiling and letting out a happy sigh after placing Elsa's discarded tiara on his head. This possibly hints that while he represents her desire to be alone, he could also contain some aspects of her innocence.

Despite being made from snow and ice, he seems to have no real control over it. However, Marshmallow has superhuman strength, which he uses as his primary form of attack. He can grow ice from himself, however, in the form of weapons such as spikes, claws, and teeth to compose armor. He also has shown the ability to breathe blizzards of snow from his mouth. When facing one or two opponents, his immense size and strength can give him the upper hand. However, he does have some difficulty taking on large groups of opponents at one time, due to their strength in numbers and his lack of agility.

The Snowgies are created as Elsa starts sneezing. The more Elsa sneezes, the more Snowgies appear. The Snowgies then scamper off to the castle courtyard, where they cause some mischief, most specifically targeting Anna's birthday cake. Luckily, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf manage to subdue them by the time Anna and Elsa arrive and even have them perform a surprise for Anna. After a spectacular birthday party, the Snowgies get taken by Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf to live in the ice palace with Marshmallow.




  • Endured years of abuse and countless chores and never gave up hope

  • Befriended countless animals despite her cruel upbringing

  • Successfully earned her Happily Ever After, in 2 different timelines no less!

  • Mended her relationship with Anastasia twice in a row

  • Is pretty much the Disney Princess for countless millions



  • Outran the Castle's guards chasing her for multiple minutes in the video game

  • Should scale or downscale to Prince Charming, who reflected a blast from the Fairy Godmother's Wand

    • The Wand blasted energy past growing thunderclouds in the sky in 10 seconds (Mach 4.37)


  • Briefly caught with the Fairy Godmother in-between a growing pumpkin that eventually destroyed a gardening thing (dunno what to call it)

  • Nothing else



  • Saved Eric from the clutches of Ursula 

  • Restored King Triton’'s faith in humanity 

  • Defeated Ursula, long before the deal was made

  • Stopped pirates from kidnapping Prince Eric

  • Stopped the Militaristic Sharkanian Empire from ruling Atlantica

  • Stopped Dr Vile from continuing his crab experiments, while saving Atlantica from pollution

  • Restored music and happiness to the Kingdom of Atlantica

  • Aided her daughter in saving Atlantis from Morgana when she wielded the Trident

  • Is an official "ambassador" for the "Keep Our Oceans Clean" campaign by Environmental Defense, The National Maritime Sanctuary, and The National Oceanic and Atmospheric.



  • Can outswim sharks

  • Should be faster than Undertow the shark, who reacted to electricity/lightning before it hit him (Mach 11.66 - Mach 4081.63)

  • Dodged blasts of fire from a sea dragon

  • Spins fast enough to cause miniature whirlpools

  • Casually swam from the Atlantic ocean to Antarctica in roughly 90 seconds (Mach 539.6

  • Dodged several bolts from the Trident (Mach 334.56 - 8.2% the speed of light)

    • This blast is comparable to lightning in effect, but also blasted in a straight line and visibly burns the rock around Ariel. Thus it could potentially be a laser, and the ends here are for lightning and lasers respectively

  • She stated that she searched everywhere for her daughter (4 times FTL - 17.17 times FTL)

(Debatable, see Before The Verdict)


  • Endured being inside a collapsing shipwreck

  • Endured falling into the whirlpool that Ursula has created (63,977.05 joules)

  • Can tank direct hits from the Trident

  • Survived getting electrocuted by eels and bitten by giant sharks

  • Tanked a dragon’s fire breath which was powerful enough to shatter large rocks

  • Tanked an explosion caused by Urchin when he blasted the Evil Manta with the Trident

  • Survived a large volcanic explosion




  • Became one of the best soldiers in her unit

  • Triggered an avalanche that got rid of shanyu's reinforcements

  • Saved all of China from shanyu's invasion 

  • Was deemed a viable candidate for the Emperor's council members 

  • Convinced the former assassin witch, Gong Li, into siding against  Bori Khan

  • Fought her way through dozens of demons within the underworld to save Shang


(Mulan 1998)

  • Knocks back Shang with a kick

  • Takes out a group of bandits

  • Knocks down Shan Yu with a sweep kick

  • Huolongchushui cannon can create large explosions of this caliber (3.253 Tons of TNT)

(Reflection/A Twisted Tale)


Mulan GIF by Walt Disney Studios

(Mulan 1998)

(Mulan 2020)

(Reflection/A Twisted Tale)




  • Escaped years of psychological torment from Mother Gothel

  • Reunited with her royal family after their many years apart

  • Saved the kingdom of Corona from absolute destruction on several occasions 

  • Saved Flynn's life and brought him back to life

  • Alongside Cassandra, defeated the Ancient Evil Enchantress, Zhan Tiri

  • Escaped & destroyed Tromas’s dream world

  • Stopped Sugracha's plan to bring back her Zhan Tiri into the mortal plane

  • Broke Ruth's curse allowing her to move on to the afterlife 



(2.44% the speed of light - 44.66 Million times FTL) [TTS S3EP20


(0.29 Tons of TNT) [Tangled Before Ever After

(2.51 Gigatons of TNT) [TTS S3EP1]

  • Shielded herself from Cassandra's black rocks (see above) [TTS S2EP21]



  • Reconciled her fractured relationship with Anna after years of isolation

  • Generated a massive snowstorm that encompassed all of Arendelle 

  • Stopped a flood that could have wiped away Arendelle

  • Alongside Anna, ended the lifelong feud between Arendelle and Northuldra

  • As The Snow Queen-the fifth spirit of the Enchanted Forest, she became the bridge for the magic of nature and humanity




  • Fine after taking multiple hits from Nokk the Water Spirit, which can smash her ice

  • Fine after a large wave crashes on her

  • Slips and slides into a pile of heavy ice blocks hard enough to knock them over



None lol


Prince Eric

Eric is a young prince of a seaside kingdom with a passion for sailing the high seas. During one of his voyages, Eric is rescued by a mysterious girl after nearly drowning during a storm. Grateful for her heroism, and enchanted by her beautiful voice, Eric immediately falls in love with his rescuer and becomes determined to find and marry her. Now Eric’s just a normal guy physically and Ariel has fought alongside and rescued him on a fair share of occasions so scaling is easy.

The Seaclops

The Seaclops prefers to sleep every thousand years, but when Ariel's unskilled calliope playing wakes him 600 years earlier, he starts causing havoc across Atlantica. King Triton has to come to the realization that it is the Seaclops who is responsible for destroying the calliope used by his grandfather Neptune.

All of Sebastian's attempts to lull the Seaclops back to sleep result in becoming futile, unable to calm the monster. However, Ariel starts playing a giant harp that had fallen to the ocean floor that finally lulls the Seaclops back to sleep. As a precaution, Triton relocates the monster to the underwater mountain range far from Atlantica. Now as for scaling, the trident has been shown to be comparable to the seaclops in both the comics and the episode of the show so it feels fair enough to say that It scales to anything that the seaclops has pulled off.


Ursula is the main villain of the first little mermaid film and a majority of It’s spin-offs, in the past, Ursula was a resident of King Triton's palace, before being banished and exiled by order of the king. Scorned, she has since vowed to exact vengeance by harnessing the power of the king's trident and installing herself as ruler of all the ocean.  Now Ariel has harmed (with and without the trident) and been harmed by Ursula plenty of times so scaling should be a sinch. 

Evil Manta

The Evil Manta is one of the overarching antagonists within the little mermaid tv series. It is known that Evil Manta was an embodiment of evil under the sea that spread discord and hatred throughout the kingdom of Atlantica, nearly causing it to implode with hatred. The ancient ones then confronted him and sealed him away, preventing him from causing any more terror in the waters. For many years, Evil Manta was locked away in an undersea volcano and never allowed to be free. Unfortunately, he was unknowingly freed by King Triton's youngest daughter, Ariel, and her friend, Flounder. Once more, he began using his persuasiveness and charm to spread prejudice amongst Atlantica's population. However, Flounder and Ariel were unaffected; Flounder simply refused to listen, while Evil Manta had not yet come to Ariel. Together, the two were able to convince the other Atlanticans that they did not have to believe Evil Manta by living together in harmony in which Ariel and Flounder were able to do so. After his scheme ended in an embarrassing loss, the Evil Manta spent all of his time coming up with ways to one up the titular little mermaid before eventually being rescued in her arms. 


Yao, Ling, and Chien Po

The trio Yao,Ling and Chien Po are soldiers in the imperial army that aided Mulan and their Commander Li Shang into saving China from Shanyu's wrath. Considering Fa Mulan fought Shan Yu who bested their commander, who was said to be the best in the field, she should no doubtedly scale to their feats.

(Mulan 1998)

  • Each of the soldiers can fragment stone blocks with a headbutt (1.13 Megajoules)

  • Yao ran through a field of flaming arrows without getting tagged

  • Chien Po knocks the large wooden pole off the ground for a bit

(Mulan 2)

Commander Li Shang

Commander Shang is Mulan's former chief in command when she worked under the guise of a soldier to save her father from throwing his life away in war; and later becomes her love interest/eventual husband after seeing how much she proved her worth to himself and all of china. Scaling wise, it shouldn't be too far of a stretch to scale her to him as she did knock him backwards during training and fought Shan Yu who was showcased to be more than a match for him.

(Mulan 1998)

  • Endured being buried under piles of snow from an avalanche

(Mulan 2)

Shan Yu

Shan Yu is the main villain of the first film, planning to invade China and take the life of the Emperor with his massive army of soldiers. Although Shan Yu is a physical powerhouse, Mulan in their final confrontation was able to sweep him off his feet and is comparable to Shang who was able to momentarily restrain him for some time.


(Note: Not actually what Huoguai looks like… probably. He has no visual appearance)

(Original artist unknown)

Huoguai is a fiercely powerful Fire Demon from the 98th Level of the Chamber of Boiling Despair that Fa Mulan encounters in her trials and tribulations to escape the Underworld with Shang's spirit before it's too late. While Mulan doubted she can handle his power without being scorched, with the Blazing Sun sword she's capable of piercing the demon and the sword's light was described to burn hotter than his flames. In addition, her shield can withstand his massive blooms of fire so she should scale.


Eugene “Flynn Rider”

Eugene was originally a thief on the run/later revealed to be the lost prince of the dark kingdom becoming Rapunzel's husband as their fates intertwined. This should be fairly straightforward given they face similar threats in the TV series and she outright knocks him out with a simple frying pan on two separate occasions.


Varian is the kingdom of Corona's alchemist. He was a former enemy and now became Rapunzel's most devoted ally in the Tangled series.Varian given that he's a young lad and often requires his heavy artillery to compete in any sort of combat. Rapunzel should pretty easily scale to him and Cass, who she is comparable to, knocked him out before.


Cassandra is Rapunzel's best friend-royal bodyguard-former rival and secret admirer. Rapunzel has held her own against Cass and various enemies throughout the course of the Tangled series that can rival her. She should also scale to Cassandra with access to the moonstone given how evenly matched they are in their bouts but also the sun and moon are thematically equal in the story.


Cassandra (Base)

(0.29 Tons of TNT) [Tangled Before Ever After

Cassandra (Moonstone)

 [TTS S1EP20]

Zhan Tiri

Zhan Tiri is an all-powerful ancient sorcerer who served as the Tangled series's final antagonist. Originally a millenia ago, she worked with her old friend Demanitus to search for the cosmic forces of the sun & moon stone but as Zhan tiri's thirst for power took hold of her, the latter banished her to the nether realm to keep her from causing havoc. Through her servants and manipulation of our main cast, Zhan tiri returned to commit to the promise she made long ago to destroy his precious kingdom of Corona. As for scaling, Rapunzel when she had a fraction of the sundrop power at the time was able to hold back Zhan Tiri restraining her with her hair strains in their final confrontation.





Despite Cinderella's perseverance, she is far from the perfect princess, especially here. She lacks any real combat experience, and in the same way hasn't really been in a physical fight. What's more, as powerful as the Wand is, it can be knocked out of her Wand or stolen, as proven with the original Fairy Godmother being petrified due to that factor. 


Initially, Ariel had limited knowledge of the human world due to not traveling to the surface very often and not directly interacting with humans. She didn't know much about their culture and objects that are used by land-dwellers. She can also be a tad overemotional at times, making it easy for her to be manipulated, but this has died down as she’s matured over the years. Additionally, while Ariel has more combat experience than one would expect, she’s not very skilled in it and she tends to have more of a survivor’s mindset than anything else.

Oh also the remake was one of the worst films Disney ever made.


Mulan for all her achievements still has her faults in the long run. With the exception of the Huolongchushui cannon and the Blazing sword, her long range options are rather limited, focusing on more close ranged gear to get the drop on her opposition. But most of all, Mulan is only human at the end of the day and is susceptible to injury as well as every other human limitation. Mushu in spite of his constant support is oftentimes portrayed as not particularly helpful combat wise due to his flames working more as chip damage as opposed to a fatal attack.

Mulan 2020 existed enough said.


You'd think being a princess with cosmic levels of power within 70 feet long hair would make her untouchable but Raps still has her own fair share of shortcomings. For one although her hair is nigh invulnerable, a tougher material can cut through it as shown with the golden rock shards being able to do just that in the finale of her TV series. If Rapunzel loses her hair, 90 percent of her abilities go along with it leaving her practically defenseless.Although the hurt incantation is fiercely powerful, Rapunzel can lose herself using it for long periods of time being stuck in the trance and requiring outside factors like her comrades to talk her out of it. During a solar eclipse when the moon blocks out the sun, the power of the sundrop weakens as a result. Finally, while Rapunzel is more than capable of handling herself in a confrontation, like most of the princesses here she'd rather diffuse the conflict rather than escalate it even further.


Judging by her moveset, Elsa is truly a jack of all trades but even she has her limitations. In spite of her ingenuity in combat; Elsa doesn't tend to participate in battles all that often with most of her experience falling into the realm of survival half the time. Elsa's powers often require movement from parts of her body, so in a scenario where she was restrained, she'd be unable to cast her magic. It should also be noted that while Elsa has a high resistance to freezing temperatures, the cold can indeed bother her, as she can be susceptible to freezing by much colder environments as seen in Frozen 2 within Athtohallan. Also if Elsa were to perish, all of her creations fade by association without any magic to sustain them.

Before The Verdict

Tremaine Moving the Sun and Moon

So, in Cinderella 3, Lady Tremaine moves the sun and moon as part of her time spell, specifically stating she intended to do so, and partially guiding it with the Wand. Seems straightforward…except for it being part of the time spell, which would do so anyway. Granted, you could make an argument that she was doing it independent of the spell, like earlier manipulating the storm, and potentially extrapolate her moving the celestial objects with the Wand, but it relies on far shakier logic than the other princesses' more direct feats. Even if you were to grant it, that would only really change the Wand’s power output and attack speed, which still wouldn’t really change the overall end result.

Ariel's Swim Marathon

One of Ariel's greatest feats is her searching “everywhere” for her daughter Melody, which gets 4 to 17 times FTL via assuming she searched the entire ocean. Actually applying this to her is fairly sketchy for multiple reasons. For one, this statement “searching everywhere” is a sort of heat of the moment type thing. It doesn't mean she searched a large portion of the entire planet, and not much support that she can in the first place. Is also important to note that Ariel wasn’t the only one searching for her daughter, her father Triton, sent his army on his end to search other parts of the ocean. This makes Ariel searching a large part of it quite redundant, and both cases combined make it hard to assume she actually searched this much, making the actual result debatable and likely lower as a result.

Space Rock Toss of the year

In the season 3 finale of Tangled the series, Rapunzel launches the stones into depths of space which have net some fast results. But I'll have to discuss the elephant in the room being the high end version of the calc. The reasoning for this high end is based on historical events of the series where in the heavens an ancient power divided into two,the sundrop and moonstone, which fell to earth. Given the context of sundrop and moondrops origins, we can safely say that stones when they were shot into space traveled to a star given its sparkle in the far out distance of space and it fits narratively with the stones reunited being set back to where it all began. So what gives? Well for simplicity's sake having Rapunzel over million times faster than light might kill any real debate from happening and the low end is the safest end to use from just the perspective of the feat alone. So TLDR, we're going with the low end version being 2% the speed of light  for the sake of the debate.


April Fools bastiches! Before we get into the verdict, I’d like to give a HUGE thank you to everyone involved. We covered so much media in just 3 weeks that I can’t put my gratitude into words. It’s completely astounding, and you guys deserve all the thanks. Well then, let's get into it!

5th Place/Mulan

Surprising probably nobody, Mulan takes last place here. To her credit, she is by far the most skilled warrior on the battlefield. Her physical combat skills are nothing to scoff at, and she has the most actual experience training and in battles. Beyond that though? She suffers in pretty much every area the others excel in. Her speed tops out at Mach 0.3 due to outpacing the initial part of an explosion, and her weapons can match a volcanic eruption worth 7-24 megatons of TNT. Sadly, every princess here exceeds that in spades. Both Cinderella and Elsa for example have dodged similar or faster attacks before, and have feats involving storm clouds over entire kingdoms. These obviously heavily outmatch her in power and speed, let alone Ariel and Rapunzel’s feats in both regards.

Comparing abilities is just as bad, as Mulan's arsenal is mostly based around a realistic style of combat for the time. Not exactly magic wands, Ice wizards, tridents, or super saiyan hair, and certainly not in defensive terms either. Mulan's grounded world has had very little experience in pure magical hax ability, leaving Mulan herself with little resistance to any of the powers the other princesses can lob her way. She has some resistances to illusions and minor mind manipulation, meaning she could likely resist something like Cinderella's Wand. But this doesn't help her resist time manipulation, deconstruction, telekinesis, or any other eccentric power the others bring to the table. Ultimately, her toolkit and powers are just too limited to keep up with the others, and she ends up in last place.

She'd beat all of their asses in a fist fight though.

4th Place/Elsa

Coming in at 4th place is a rather interesting debate between Cinderella and Elsa. Concerning power, the Wand was used to influence clouds into a storm across a large kingdom, while Elsa's greatest feat involved her making a storm across her own kingdom. Both feats are largely similar, but Elsa's would require more actual effort, so she would end up stronger. As far as speed is concerned, Elsa has blocked arrows from crossbows, and blasted ice to other countries at over Mach 300. Cinderella on the other hand should scale to the Prince blocking a shot from the Wand, which moves at a little over Mach 4. So, while Elsa is much quicker than Cinderella's reactions in raw attack speed, Cinderella can react much quicker than Elsa can, and both only need one shot to take the other out of the playing field. They are essentially glass cannons physically, and their power output is more than enough to take each other out. 

This brings us to abilities, where Cinderella has a MUCH wider variety to pull from. Time manipulation, minor mind manipulation, telekinesis, BFR, transmutation, and far more as just the beginning. This means that she really only needs one hit to win, but in the same way, so does Elsa. Her powers are far superior to Cinderella's physical stats, and they can be used simply to freeze her in place, preventing her from saying the magic words or using the Wand. Elsa can also bring forth her snowmen as backup, and make as much as she wants to overwhelm Cinderella if she gets the chance. This is where things mainly get decided, through looking at the bulk of Cinderella's powers. 

Firstly, while her Allies may be inferior in both quality and quantity, this isn't something she can't work around. Remember that the Wand can grow objects, shrink them, and transmute things into other things. Why does this matter? Well, thus not only let's her turn her mice friends into gigantic allies just as important as Elsa's, but shrink or turn her own snow friends into things of little annoyance. What's more, Magical Dreams lends her multiple extra tries and Healing items for all parties, meaning even if Elsa got a lucky hit in, Cinderella could likely pull through to strike back with full force. In the same way, her mice are fully capable of using the Wand for her, and could simply grab it to time travel back and fix their mistakes until Elsa is taken care of. To add onto all of this, while Elsa may attack faster, she still needs to attack in the first place, and Cinderella’s own reactions and attack speed being quicker than her reactions make Elsa attacking first not as reliable or doable.

In the end, Cinderella vs Elsa is surprisingly close, but should result in Cinderella winning more times than not.

3rd Place/Cinderella

You'll notice that Ariel and Rapunzel were left out of that previous placement. This is why. Both princesses are exponentially ahead of the rest, proven by either one vs Cinderella (or Elsa). While Cinderella may be able to partially create a storm, both Ariel and Rapunzel have feats on that level and beyond rather easily, like Rapunzel tanking a blast that would destroy Corona 10 times over. What's more, she can blast attacks at hypersonic speeds, and Elsa can at massively hypersonic speeds, but yet again, so can the top two princesses just as easily, if not more so. This doesn't even go into their hax which makes even Cinderella's wide display not mean much in comparison. 

Cinderella may have minor mind and memory manipulation, but Rapunzel can resist such effects, and Ariel can do similar with her Trident. She could potentially mess with time, but Rapunzel can do the same thing. She could petrify others, but so could Ariel. Beyond those, the majority of the Wand's powers and her other tools just aren't as well-rounded, like healing, where both Ariel and Rapunzel have superior versions of. This also doesn't go into how she isn't fast or strong enough to use these in the first place, or protect herself from their own hax as well, like petrification, time manipulation, body control, and more.

Thus, Cinderella is heavily outclassed by the top two, and now, we come to that debate.

1st Place/Ariel vs Rapunzel

For those reading, it is rather easy to see that this will be the main debate of the Battle Royale. Due to that, this final segment will be structured like a normal 1v1 verdict, so read away.


When it comes to strength and speed, both Ariel and Rapunzel hold ludicrous levels for a traditional princess. On Ariel's end, she is fast enough to dodge lightning, and keep up with others who can do the same. She is also durable enough to tank attacks from Triton's trident, and can scale to all of its feats through…having the Trident. This is crazy, as it bears several storm creation feats, getting from the megatons to gigatons, and even has statements of freezing the sea. This would get a few teratons of TNT, which is pretty consistent with Ursula generating and moving storms, getting other teratons ends. 

As for Rapunzel, her feats are just as impressive, if not more so. She has created near megaton explosions herself, tanked multiple gigatons worth in energy, and more in the planetary levels of the sun and moondrop stones. Not only was the moondrop stated to be able to destroy the planet, but it was responsible for moving the moon, a feat getting nearly identical to planetary levels itself, making these statements consistent. Even taking the highest end of Ursula's storms (79.48 Teratons), moving the moon like so with 48 Zettatons would get over 100 million times stronger, placing Rapunzel far beyond Ariel in raw power. 

Comparing speed, Ariel may dodge lightning and scale to others who do the same rather easily, but the same can be said for Rapunzel, who dodges light in the same frequent way. Against Cassandra, this kind of reaction speed is over 17 times faster than light, and much faster than any of Ariel’s feats. One example you could use to have Ariel match Rapunzel is her potentially searching the entire world's oceans to find her daughter, which could get 4-17 × faster than light…if it were 100% true. See, she didn't actually search “everywhere” as evidenced by Triton sending his own party to cover areas of the ocean. Even more so, this kind of speed is fairly inconsistent and not really backed up, and we can prove similar when Ariel took a road trip to Antarctica. 

This trip took her a few minutes, and was her swimming in a straight line across the sea. Swimming from the Atlantic to Antarctica in the slotted timeframe would get over a hundred times slower than the proposed speed from a calculation behind shaky logic as is, but for arguments sake, let's go with it. Even if you did accept this, you would have to take the high-end of this high-end to have Ariel at a comparable speed to Rapunzel. Even if you did, Rapunzel by the same logic would get her own feat of launching objects into interstellar space, getting into the MILLIONS of times faster than light.

In short, no matter how high you place Ariel in speed and power, Rapunzel will always be considerably stronger with similar levity.

Arsenal & Abilities

Now, when it comes to abilities, Ariel has a much more versatile set than Rapunzel, and several moves that could win the battle if she's not careful. Deconstruction, shrinking her, genetic manipulation, body puppeteering, sealing, healing her own wounds, petrification, brainwashing, and destroying magical objects with select potions, are all options she can use to end the fight instantly. The problem is, quantity doesn't alway match quality. 

The main issue is, as deadly as these tricks are, Rapunzel's far greater speed means Ariel will be pressed to hit her in the first place, let alone use any of these moves. Even worse is that Rapunzel can counter a large portion of these abilities in easier ways. For example, there's nothing stopping her from just yanking the Trident away with her Hair, leaving Ariel without her primary method of battle for even a moment, as while she can summon it back, any opening is a major problem for her. Ariel may be able to heal her wounds, but Rapunzel can do the same thing with the Healing Incantation, and to greater extents. Ariel can project images and brainwash people, but Rapunzel can see through illusions and resist mind control herself, axing both of those points. 

Even on Ariel's more instant win tricks like deconstruction and genetic manipulation, Rapunzel has alternatives which would be just as effective such as the Hurt Incantation and her age manipulation to kill Ariel instantly regardless of her durability or turn her into a baby. To continue, even if Rapunzel was somehow put on death's door through Ariel's hax, she still had several options to recover, like healing her wounds, blasting Ariel away with her large AOE, or simply time traveling back to the beginning of the fight or day to do everything over again. 

Even against Ariel's vast arsenal, Rapunzel can counter a large portion of it with her own powers, and unleash abilities Ariel has no counter to.

Tertiary Factors

Finally, with tertiary matters, both are roughly even. They have around the same years of combat experience, have fought several witches and wizards, wielded massive arsenals of magic, etc. Their skills and experience are in similar areas, but Rapunzel is more likely to end the fight at the first good opportunity given her mindset, and has proven smarter many times over. 

In other matters, Ariel technically has superior support through higher numbers and her ability to grow them to larger proportions as well, but a large number of these are water based, and unlikely to be able to play that much of a difference against Rapunzel's insane AOE and hax they can't survive. On top of this, Rapunzel's superior stats give her far more time and chances to use her best moves than the other way around, and thus she holds the relevant edges in Tertiary Factors.



‘’Have faith in your dreams,and someday, your rainbows will come smiling through"


  • More powerful than Mulan with the Wand

  • Faster than Mulan and Elsa in reaction speed

  • The most versatile out of the five 

  • The magic wand has several spells which could incapacitate or remove the other princesses regardless of their stats

  • Could potentially ward off the effects of Ariel’s petrification spray with the wand

  • One of the only Disney Princesses to receive good direct to video/DVD sequels AND a good live action movie


  • Has the worst physical stats out of the five and is slower than Ariel or Rapunzel

  • Has next to no direct combat experience

  • No solid resistances to any of the dozens of abilities that are going to be thrown her way

  • The magic wand could be taken out of her hands or destroyed by means of Ariel’s magic vials


“Wandering free, wish I could be part of that world”


  • More powerful than everybody besides Rapunzel

  • Faster than everyone besides Rapunzel

  • Has the largest and most useful arsenal out of the five, which include AOE and various one-shot hax like petrification, body puppeteering, shrinking, sealing, and mind control

  • Her singing can remove the other princesses from the battlefield or put them to sleep

  • Can grow her support with the trident or sea witch magic

  • The magic vials can nullify and destroy some of the other magical items possessed by the other princesses

  • Sebastian’s easily the coolest support member here

  • Kick-started the Disney Renaissance 


  • Weaker and Slower than Rapunzel

  • Has no solid defense to Rapunzel's hax, like self-healing, time shenanigans, and the Hurt Incantation

  • Multiple princesses (Rapunzel, Mulan, debatably Cinderella) resist her mental powers like mind control

  • Vulnerable to Cinderella's assortment of spells

  • Less skilled than Mulan

  • Little Mermaid Remake is a hot mess


‘’But this one's late…but I'll bet that when it blooms it will be the most beautiful of all”


  • Far more level-headed 

  • The most skilled out of the five with the greatest combat experience 

  • Shishi could potentially remove the other princesses from the battlefield 

  • Can one-shot Cinderella….

  • Rick and Morty

  • Highest kill-count


  • Gets dominated in stats overall by everybody present

  • Has the most limited arsenal and no good consistent long range options

  • …but can’t really do anything to the other three and is slower than Cinderella

  • Vulnerable to pretty much every hax on the playing field except mental attacks

  • The Mulan remake is a hot mess

  • Rick and Morty


‘’Happiness doesn’t come from a thing…it comes from inside my heart”


  • The most physically powerful out of the five, and the strongest overall

  • Considerably faster than the other princesses no matter what ends you use 

  • Her hair aids in greater mobility and could help restrict each of the princesses’s movements, and she has impressive AOE along with it 

  • The Hurt and Healing Incantations can instantly destroy the other princesses/their weapons and heal any damage she suffers 

  • The lanterns could give her a second chance against the princesses should they take her out

  • Top of Time could de-age each any of the princesses into toddlers

  • Her mental resistances can ward off threats of mind control from Cinderella and Ariel

  • Reintroduced the concept of a disney princess movie for a modern audience…

  • New Dream is the best Disney couple here don't @ me


  • Less skilled than Mulan

  • A handful of Cinderella's spells can end her career if she's not careful

  • Is vulnerable to Ariel’s different hax options

  • Elsa's immense control over the battlefield can be hazardous

  • …but now they just copy and paste her personality for every new princess


‘’That's not what magic does,that's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted!”


  • More powerful than Cinderella and Mulan, and potentially comparable to Rapunzel’s lower ends

  • Faster attack speed than Cinderella and Mulan

  • Can theoretically freeze the internal organs of each princess

  • Could freeze some of Ariel’s water attacks

  • Her Ice powers provide her the greatest control over the battlefield 

  • Has the highest amount of summons with the greatest survivability and usefulness

  • Let It Go is one of the greatest Disney songs ever made

  • Frozen 2 actually tackles heavy themes pretty well


  • Far weaker than Ariel and Rapunzel’s higher ends

  • Vulnerable to hax from pretty much every princess besides Mulan

  • Slower reaction speed than Cinderella

  • Less trained in using her powers than most of the others or in actual combat situations

Overall, Rapunzel is just the best suited princess to win in all factors. Her planetary and faster than light stats make her far stronger and faster than even Ariel, let alone all of the other princesses present. Despite the hax of people like Cinderella and Ariel, hers can counter the majority, and her superior speed helps avoid the ones she cannot. Even if Rapunzel somehow suffered a fatal blow, she could simply rewind time to the beginning and do it all over again, taking things far more seriously. On the flipside, her vast AOE, healing spells, and the insta-kill Hurt Incantation leave little opportunities for the other princesses or their backup to counter her. But…let's be honest. None of these princesses would ever fight, and in the off-chance they would, Rapunzel would just heal them all after death, or rewind time to ensure they never fight in the first place. Because THAT is a Disney Princess; a leading lady with the strength and the courage to push through any challenge in her way, with a smile and a song. Each and everyone here is a legend in their own way, and living proof of the many ways to be a princess.

🎶 In this ball of a brawl,

under the sea or by china's cherry blossom trees, 

frozen in ice or tangled oh so nice, 

Rapunzel will stand tall, as the strongest Disney Princess of them all. 🎶

The winner…is Rapunzel.

Final Tally

Cinderella (0)

Ariel (0)

Mulan (0)

Rapunzel (13)cheese (funny man), DIE FOR ME, Frisk, Garf (wanted to vote for Ariel tho), GreatTheShark, Phoenix Wright, Round 1 Fight, The_Elemental2, Saul, SonallyKingKataang, TheBiteRaptor, Tru, 9JA

Elsa (0)

Next Time…

HUGE thank you to everybody involved to tackle this in like 3 weeks. I can't thank you all enough. That said, we're still on track to have my wave 1 finale be Archie Tails vs Franklin Richard's, but in the meantime, I've got an extra blog a few of my guys have been working on. What is it? Well…


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm super proud of how all this turned out.

  2. Lmao are you stupid? Do you complain about kung fu panda 3 po becoming a chi master with no training? But nulan having chi upsets because it doesn't explain how it makes her acrobatic ? Lol


Tooru & Wonder of U vs SCP-096 (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs The SCP Foundation): Round 1 Fight Blogs

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